Joe Biden

Biden Invited Netanyahu
The White House confirms: Biden invited Netanyahu to Washington

The White House confirmed that the US President invited the Prime Minister to a meeting in Washington until the end of 2023. They also noted that Biden "expressed concern about changes in Israel's democratic system"

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 20.09.23

Netanyahu Meets Biden

Netanyahu met with Biden: "An unprecedented agreement can be reached with Saudi Arabia"

Bentzi Rubin, Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 20.09.23

Protest Within The Likud

Protest within the Likud: "Peace without ceding territories"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 20.09.23

Ze'ev Elkin

Ze'ev Elkin: "The world looks and sees the attitude that the US president treats us"

JFeed | 19.09.23

Biden At The UN

Biden at the UN: "Expanding the normalization of Israel"

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 19.09.23

Poll: Trump Leads Over Biden

US election poll: Trump leads over Biden

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 18.09.23

Impeachment Proceedings Against Biden

The Speaker of the House of Representatives announced: impeachment proceedings against Biden will be opened

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 12.09.23

"I'm Going To Go To Bed"

Biden replies to reporters: "I'm going to go to bed" | watch

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 11.09.23

Gilad Erdan - Interviewed 

Israel's ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan in an interview: "Israel is represented in the UN as a regional power"

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 10.09.23
Israeli writers and artists to Biden: "Don't meet with Bibi"

JFeed | 09.09.23

Friedman: No to Normalization 

Friedman to Biden and bin Salman: No to normalization with Netanyahu

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 06.09.23

A Possible Agreement with Saudi Arabia

On the way to an agreement? Biden is considering meeting with bin Salman

Uriel Be'eri, Srugim News | 22.08.23

Biden will Visit Hawaii

After the fires: Biden went to visit Hawaii

Uriel Be'eri, Srugim News | 16.08.23

The Downgrading of the US Credit Rating

After the downgrading of the credit rating: the White House is furious

Yair Amar, Srugim News | 02.08.23

Agreement with Saudi Arabia

Biden: "There may be progress on the way to an agreement with Saudi Arabia"

Uriel Be'eri, Srugim News | 30.07.23
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